May 22, 2021

Skyfall and His Girls

Skyfall is starting his job of teaching my girls some riding skills. He's only 4, but he is so chill!

He is helping CH get comfortable posting to the trot and AH is learning to flex and one rein stop at a walk.

I think it may be time to invest in a child's saddle so their legs can reach his sides! Lol

I have officially completed teaching all of Clinton Anderson's Fundamental exercises to Skyfall. We are fine tuning some of the riding exercises this week and then June we will focus on getting him in gait under saddle and certified!!!

Also, Naomi has helped me create a logo for Hooser Horsemanship... isn't it cute??? 💖

May 18, 2021

Skyfall and the Method

 Skyfall has officially been taught every exercise in Clinton Anderson's Fundamentals series. This is the first horse I have put through the entire process. Right now we are fine tuning a few exercises we are weak in (usually due to user error).

I probably haven't ever ridden a horse as enjoyable to ride as this one. He is willing, soft and supple, and easy to teach.

I have just shy of two weeks left in May to finish off the Fundamental exercises and then I will be spending June getting his gait down. He's already giving me some gait, so it shouldn't take a lot of time to push him up a little faster so I can have him certified.

So far, teaching both trot and gait is working swimmingly. He understands that when I post and ask with a big two leg squeeze on a loose rein that I want trot, but when I ask with a small squeeze and light contact on the bridle that I want something different. He isn't certain what that looks like all the time yet but he is trying to find the answer and succeeds with a few steps here and there.

I'm hoping to bring him to a show in late June or July sometime to have him evaluated for his gait and officially certified. This will complete his Rocky Mountain Horse requirements.

Here are some video links of some of his recent training.

Apr 7, 2021

April Rides 5th, 6th, and 7th

Naomi and I have been putting in some great rides!!

She cantered 36 strides in a row today and told me she wasn't afraid to go into it anymore!! That's a big improvement!

Junior cantered a good stretch as well and is giving me some gait steps.

He is also trotting very well and relaxed. I have a different position when I ask for gait versus trot and intend to be able to do either at will.. he will be like a five-gaited horse (think Sadddlebred!)

I will try for a gait video next time, but enjoy our cantering videos in the meantime!

Apr 2, 2021

April 2nd Ride

Another beautiful day!! Two mornings in a row for riding.

Today we noticed the horses were alot calmer and relaxed.

We did lunging for respect stage one walk and trot as our groundwork warmup. I also did flexing, disengaging hindquarters and backing #2 (wiggle, wave, walk) with Skyfall.

For riding, I starting asking for a few gait steps. He did give me a little, but I think it's hard for him to not do what Mindy is doing, so I may have to work on it while Nomi does some walking work nearby or something.

Also, when Mindy got ahead, I went ahead and asked Skyfall to canter and it was perfect.

Then, once we walked them out a bit, I starting teaching a head-down cue on the ground when we brushed them out.

Tomorrow and Sunday are off days, but hopefully we will be good for daily rides starting Monday! 

Also, polo wraps make great half chaps!!

Apr 1, 2021

April 1st Skyfall's Training

Naomi and I are attempting to ride every nice day of April. We are at a new home with the horses on the property, so No Excuses!!

April 1: get horses used to new area and practice going over logs and walk/trot up the driveway.