We will be heading to Georgia in just a few days due to my husband's military orders! It's both overwhelming and exciting to see where this next phase of life takes us and our Rocky Mountain Horse, Nic Nac. Hopefully we will settle somewhere soon so we can eventually breed Nic and move forward with our Rockies.
As a stress reliever, I took a quick curry to Nic this afternoon in between packing. I threw her halter on and my helmet and off we went. Most of our other gear is packed. She took me for a lovely and smooth ride out on the road. I have never ridden her off property with just a halter, but she seemed to like it and so did I! I just love her steady nature and smooth gait.
Hopefully her certification will be completed soon. We took her up to College Station, TX to see two examiners and then they took a video clip to send to the third examiner. Now it's just a matter of time to see if we were successful! I feel very confident, but you just never know. Hopefully my next post will be to say we were did it.
I will be writing from Georgia next time! Nic ships this weekend. I say, "Bring on the adventure and goodbye, Texas!"