Another beautiful day!! Two mornings in a row for riding.
Today we noticed the horses were alot calmer and relaxed.
We did lunging for respect stage one walk and trot as our groundwork warmup. I also did flexing, disengaging hindquarters and backing #2 (wiggle, wave, walk) with Skyfall.
For riding, I starting asking for a few gait steps. He did give me a little, but I think it's hard for him to not do what Mindy is doing, so I may have to work on it while Nomi does some walking work nearby or something.
Also, when Mindy got ahead, I went ahead and asked Skyfall to canter and it was perfect.
Then, once we walked them out a bit, I starting teaching a head-down cue on the ground when we brushed them out.
Tomorrow and Sunday are off days, but hopefully we will be good for daily rides starting Monday!
Also, polo wraps make great half chaps!!